A. O. El- Aiatt, A., A. Sh. Shalloof, K. (2018). Length-weight relationship, condition factor and reproductive biology of the Thin-lipped grey mullet, Liza ramada (Risso, 1826) in Bardawil Lagoon, North Sinai, Egypt.. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 22(5 (Special Issue)), 461-471. doi: 10.21608/ejabf.2018.25251
Attia A. O. El- Aiatt; Kariman A. Sh. Shalloof. "Length-weight relationship, condition factor and reproductive biology of the Thin-lipped grey mullet, Liza ramada (Risso, 1826) in Bardawil Lagoon, North Sinai, Egypt.". Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 22, 5 (Special Issue), 2018, 461-471. doi: 10.21608/ejabf.2018.25251
A. O. El- Aiatt, A., A. Sh. Shalloof, K. (2018). 'Length-weight relationship, condition factor and reproductive biology of the Thin-lipped grey mullet, Liza ramada (Risso, 1826) in Bardawil Lagoon, North Sinai, Egypt.', Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 22(5 (Special Issue)), pp. 461-471. doi: 10.21608/ejabf.2018.25251
A. O. El- Aiatt, A., A. Sh. Shalloof, K. Length-weight relationship, condition factor and reproductive biology of the Thin-lipped grey mullet, Liza ramada (Risso, 1826) in Bardawil Lagoon, North Sinai, Egypt.. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 2018; 22(5 (Special Issue)): 461-471. doi: 10.21608/ejabf.2018.25251
Length-weight relationship, condition factor and reproductive biology of the Thin-lipped grey mullet, Liza ramada (Risso, 1826) in Bardawil Lagoon, North Sinai, Egypt.
This paper concentrates on thereproductive biology of the Thin-lipped grey mullet, Liza ramada. 1567 individuals were obtained monthly from the different landing sites of the Bardawil lagoon, North Sinai, Egypt during the fishing season from May to December, 2017. The length-weight relation was found as 0.0063 L 3.0727 , 0.0087 L2.98 and 0.0095 L 2.9505 for males , females and combined sexes respectivly. Monthly condition factor values were generally low in September, and the highest values were recorded in October-December. The reproduction period (expressed by Gonado Somatic Index GSI) was determined to be in November and December.Overall ratio of males to females (M: F) was 1: 1.28. The recorded lengths at first maturity (Lm) was determined as Lm = 27.6 and 28.9 cm for males and females respectively . The absolute fecundity increased with total length and described by the power equation F= 27.958 L 3.0135 (R2 = 0.9458). The relative fecundity gradually increased from 11661.8 to 36098.3 eggs per cm. To protect Liza ramadain Bardawil Lagoon from exploitation, it is recommonded to ban the use of gears of illegal mesh sizes and other destructive fishing methods to permit the females to breed , grow, and recruit into the fisheries ground. Length at first maturity( Lm) must be increased by widening the net mesh size to catch L. ramada of lengths greater than 29.0 cm.